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1:1 Sound Therapy

Regular price £70.00 £0.00
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What is Sound Therapy?

It is a very powerful Alternative Therapy, that has been around since ancient times, where sounds, vibrations and specific frequencies are used. These facilitates shifts in our brainwave state, influencing and restoring health and wellbeing in our Body, Mind and Spirit.

How can Sound Therapy help to calm the Amygdala?

The Amygdala is part of the Lymbic System, along with the Hippocampus, Hypothalamus and Lymbic Cortex. The Amygdala is in charge of our fight or flight response, which reacts when danger is perceived. When faced with a threat, our brain will check if it’s real or perceived and will then have a rational response.

There are times, especially if we had traumatic experiences in the past, when the Amygdala will take over and we will feel anxious, stressed, scared and ready to run away. Sound Therapy can help to quite the mind and calm the amygdala, by triggering the release of dopamine and serotonin, which brings feelings of calm and wellbeing, reducing stress and the Amygdala activation, so regulating the Nervous system.

What are some benefits of Sound Therapy?

The are many benefits of Sound Therapy, here are some:

Helps with sleep problems by calming the Amygdala, settling the NS down.
Chronic pain: it can be due to neuroplasticity. Sound can help in reconnecting neural pathways in the brain, telling the brain it can let go of the pain:
PTSD: Binaural beats can help remove the negative associations to sound and can work retaining the response of the brain.
Anxiety: by calming the mind and settle the Amygdala, the Prefrontal Cortex can take over again and rational decisions can be made, restoring the nervous system.
Depression: High energy vibrations lift listener’s energy, stimulating the brain to produce dopamine and serotonin (our happy hormones).
Dementia: supports mental health and stimulates memory.
Autism Spectrum disorder: by stimulating cognitive function and calming the mind, also as been nonverbal the person requires to do nothing, but just be, allowing them to express their feelings in a safe, non judgmental loving space.
Mental health: in addition to calming the mind and bringing about relaxation, Sound Therapy can help rewiring our thoughts and balancing our NS.
Behavioural problems: thoughts create emotions influencing our behaviour. By rewiring our thoughts and create positive ones we can change our pattern of behaviour.


DURATION: 60mins


SESSIONS: After booking we will contact you with date and time slots. If you'd like to discuss details or check availability beforehand, please feel free to call (02030895202) or email (info@earthtoroots.com)